inter-API Digital Customer Services
Digital customer services aim to share services that enable users to become bank customers through 3rd party applications via inter-API. By using these services, users become customers of the bank without going to the branch.
How to Get Started
Step 1 - Sign Up & Register: To start building with our APIs, you'll need to sign up for account. Read our documentation on how to use the Inter-API services and secure your connection with the right electronic certificate
Step 2 - Get Subscription Key: To get your Subscription Key, you'll first need to Subscribe for a package on Products page.
Step 3 - Activate: Get your subscription key under profile menu. You can also add your applications here.
Step 4 - Test API Methods: Include your access token and the information needed for that API. From there, use the response for your application and you’re all set. Now you can start building applications with our API.
Step 5 - For Production: You 're now up and running on inter-API Portal. Submit for production When you’re finished testing, you may want to submit your app for production. If it seems like we’d be a good fit, we’ll look into it and do some testing together. Then, we’ll talk about next steps to move to production.
Digital Customer Flow Diagram
This method creates a contact customer with given informations. Address and personal informations are get from KPS services. At the same time, this method starts flow in behind scenes. If the customer already has an flow, this service returns the old informations.
"Header": {
"AppKey": "***",
"Channel": "API",
"ChannelSessionId": "331eb5f529c74df2b800926b5f34b874",
"ChannelRequestId": "5252012362481156055"
"Parameters": [
"IsGetProcess": false,
"DigitalCustomer": {
"PhoneNumber": "5599999933",
"CitizenshipNumber": 63021011790,
"IsFatca": false,
"IsUSCustomer": false,
"Email": "",
"NotificationOnUpdate": true,
"IsKVKKApproved": true
"$type": "ServiceResponseMessage",
"Data": {
"$type": "CreateDigitalCustomerMessage",
"ProcessId": 2104280309000005,
"CustomerId": 5035232723,
"State": 2
Request Value
Response Value
This method updates digital customer informations. This informations includes education, job, salary, contact address, closest branch etc. To complete this flow with success, all fields in request should be fill with right values.
Note: If the selected address field choose “Contact”, then ContactAddressInfo field has to be filled.
"Header": {
"AppKey": "***",
"Channel": "API",
"ChannelSessionId": "331eb5f529c74df2b800926b5f34b874",
"ChannelRequestId": "5252012362481156055"
"Parameters": [
"CustomerNo": 5035266140,
"ProcessId": 2105170309000001,
"CitizenshipNumber": 17453821786,
"EducationStatus": "ÜNİVERSİTE",
"EducationStatusCode": 6,
"CompanyName": "INTERTECH",
"SalaryInfo": 12345.0,
"WorkingStatus": "Özel Sektör Ücretli",
"WorkingStatusCode": 1,
"JobTitle": "Mimar,İç Mimar,Mühendis",
"JobTitleCode": 9,
"HomeStatus": "Kira",
"HomeStatusCode": 2,
"WorkAreaCode": 0,
"JobAddressInfo": {
"Type": "WorkAddress",
"TypeCode": "2",
"Country": "Türkiye",
"CountryCode": "90",
"City": "İstanbul",
"CityCode": "34",
"Town": "Pendik",
"TownCode": "34000020000",
"District": "Sanayi Mah",
"DistrictCode": "34000020003",
"DistrictType": "3",
"Street": "1. Havaalanı Kavşağı",
"StreetCode": "22228359",
"AddressDetail": "test adresi"
"BranchId": "9860",
"HomeAddressInfo": {
"Type": "HomeAddress",
"TypeCode": "1",
"Country": "TÜRKİYE",
"CountryCode": "90",
"City": "İSTANBUL",
"CityCode": "34",
"Town": "BAKIRKÖY",
"TownCode": "34000003000",
"District": "ATAKÖY 3-4-11. Mah",
"DistrictCode": "34000003015",
"DistrictType": null,
"StreetCode": "22030330",
"AddressDetail": "4. KISIM SİTESİ TO-155 BLOK NO: 30"
"SelectedAddress": "Home",
"CalculateLimit": false
"$type": "ServiceResponseMessage",
"Data": {
"$type": "AddDigitalCustomerDocumentsMessage",
"CalculateLimit": false,
"ProcessId": 2104300309000001,
"State": 2
Response Value
This method completes the flow. After process is completed behind scenes, contact customer is reverted to real customer as candidate.
"Header": {
"AppKey": "***",
"Channel": "API",
"ChannelSessionId": "331eb5f529c74df2b800926b5f34b874",
"ChannelRequestId": "5252012362481156055"
"Parameters": [
"CustomerNo": 5034971801,
"ProcessId": 2102260309000002,
"Email": "",
"PhoneNumber: "5559999999",
"IsApprovedAgent": false,
"IsCourierSelected": true,
"UserCode": "INTERTECH\\test"
"$type": "ServiceResponseMessage",
"Data": {
"$type": "CompleteDigitalCustomerMessage",
"State": 2
Request Value
Response Value
Note: While using these services, you have to use Pusula data and ESB parameters. (Ex: City, CityCode or WorkingStatus and WorkingStatusCode)