
Account Services

Available account services are Account List, Detail, Corporate Account Transaction Details. You can monitor account balances, transactions within different periods and get detail of transactions.

API Documentation

Bill Payment Services

It is the documentation that specifies the flow of API methods to be used in bill payments.

API Documentation

Credit Application

It is the transaction group that includes loan disbursement services.

API Documentation

DBS Services

These are the services that enable us to obtain the latest status of invoice transactions, add / delete / update records, and limit information of company customers.

API Documentation

Digital Customer Services

Digital customer services aim to share services that enable users to become bank customers through 3rd party applications via inter-API. By using these services, users become customers of the bank without going to the branch.

API Documentation

FAST Services

It is the documentation that includes the services where money transfers take place with the FAST system.

API Documentation

FastCredit Services

It is the documentation that includes personal loan disbursement services over interApi.

API Documentation

Money Transfer Services

Includes services for transferring EFT and money transfer to IBAN, account number. Includes basic transfer services.

API Documentation

oAuth Services

inter-API uses OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. In order to get a response by sending a successful request to API methods, it is necessary to create an access token and use this token value in API requests.

API Documentation

Retail Credit Services

This documentation describes the Shopping and Wallet Credit Flow API used in the banking sector. The API covers credit application intake for new and existing customers, customer scoring and scoring simulation, payment plan viewing, credit offer viewing, and credit utilization processes.

API Documentation

Shopping SDK Services

Shopping SDK is designed for Intertech’s Mobile Applications to create a marketplace for different brands. In that marketplace, customer information is provided by SDK via inter-API for a seamless transaction experience.

API Documentation